everytime i think of you i got a shot

Bizarre Love Triangle (Everytime I see you falling I get down) | 一隻妖 v.s.兩個魔鬼 好像真的是這樣XDYoutube Link: Everytime I see you falling I get down by Frente! Song with lyrics 這是Volkswagen(福斯汽車)好多年前的電視廣告曲. Everytime I think of you, I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue. 每次只要想到你的事,我就像被擊落囚困在憂鬱的 ......


請問一下一首英文歌 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 老兄...你應該要去整形...http://www.wretch.cc/blog/cutepink0417問一下網誌這首英文歌感恩 ... Bizarre Love Triangle Everytime I think of you I feel shot right through with a bow of gloom. It's no problem of mine but it's a problem I find...


有無人知少爺占節目有首散場歌叫咩名呀? - Yahoo!知識+ 「爺爺和花輪...你們在幹什麼...」我想問下少爺占有首散場歌,係女仔唱既,我淨係記得第一句every time i think of you , i got a shocked ... Every time I think of you I get a shot right through Into a bolt of blue It's no problem of mine But it's a problem I find Living the life that I can't ......


幫我翻譯糾纏三角戀的歌詞吧 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+是順子的糾纏三角戀的歌詞 請幫我翻譯吧 3Q 2.Bizarre Love Triangle(糾纏三角戀) Everytime I think of you I feel shot right through with a bow of gloom. It's no problem of mine but it's a problem I find living a life that I can't leave behind. There's no sense in telling me...
