ONA 為紀念徠卡一百週年推出Berlin 相機包
EVISU ONLINE | Iconic Japanese Designer Jeans Company 時值徠卡(Leica)一百週年之際,專業相機包品牌ONA為徠卡旗下M系列特別推出限量版相機包Berlin。該款相機包使用全粒面革純手工打造,其內襯為徠卡標誌性的紅色,可容納一部徠卡M相機、兩到三隻鏡頭以及一台iPad。【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如Official EVISU brand site. Shop original denim brand. We stock the complete and widest range of Evisu collections from Jeans & Denim Jackets to Snapbacks & leather accessories. ... Please select the country where your order will be shipped to. This will g...