經典深藍再現 SOPHNET. x Island 聯名鉚釘拖鞋
Excel Sum 日本潮流品牌 SOPHNET.,與來自夏威夷的拖鞋品牌 Island Slipper 共同合作,讓夏日氣息滿滿的拖鞋,有了更潮更帥的選擇,代表品牌的深藍色考量,搭載同色系鉚釘設計,穿出潮流感就看這一雙,售價 ¥26,000日幣。【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.cSum In Excel Summing is simply the act of adding values together. Excel provides multiple techniques that you can use to sum data. Different Ways To Sum Data In Excel Using The Status Bar If you select a number of cells, Excel displays their total, amongs...