Change a cell color based on percentage - Excel Templates | Excel Add-ins and Excel Help with formul 最新的時尚潮流總會出現在 Instagram上,其中不乏許多有名的模特兒或年輕男女的街拍照。忘了那些俊男美女吧!最近在IG中形成一股熱潮的就是這些-時尚老爺爺們的照片。這些成熟紳士們完美結合正式和休閒中的比例,也擅長運用大膽色系為穿搭注入新品味。想看更多?在IG中成為 @FasHi, I have created a scorecard which shows a cell range c10:z13, there is cells with Green, Amber, Red and Yellow to represent the status based on a percentage. 100% - Complete (GREEN) 5-95% - In Progress (AMBER) 0% - Not Started (RED) X - Did Not ......