Excel Calendar 2013 - Excel Functions and Formulas 中古車界買賣糾紛層出不窮,消費者應注意下列常見詐騙手法: 1.刊登價格非實際售價:預約看車到現場後才跟你說那是網路價、貸款價等等。 2.刊登車源非實際現場車源:等你到了現場之後才跟你說那台車已經賣出去,硬是推薦其他車款。 3.詐騙訂金:不管你信用良不良,跟你說保證貸款貸得下來,結果事後貸不下來也不Excel Calendar 2013 - Download Excel 2013 Calendar and Year Planner Templates ... Each of the Excel Templates listed below is an Excel calendar for 2013. Excel 2003 has been used to created the templates, so you can open, and use them in Excel 2003, 2007 ...