高鐵 撞上一隻雞會是怎樣?
Excel Formulas are not working?!? What to do when all you see is the formula, not result | Chandoo.o時速300的高鐵 撞上一隻雞會是怎樣?鑒於愈來愈多的鳥擊事件危及飛行器的安全,美國的航太總署(NASA)的工程師與科學家設計了一種槍砲,可以把死雞當砲彈,打到噴射機戰鬥機以及太空梭的駕駛艙玻璃上,模擬高速飛行時在空中與飛鳥撞擊的情況,以測試駕駛艙玻璃的設計規格。製造高速火車的英國工程師知道了,於是提Once in a while everyone is bound to come across this problem. You type a formula in a cell, then you press ENTER. Bam! nothing happens. You check if a donut ... If any of the above is not working 1) Make sure there are no circular references which are di...