EASTPAK 再度牽手Nicomede Talavera 推出2014 春夏特別聯名系列
Configure Maximum File Upload Size (PowerPivot for SharePoint)EASTPAK 與Nicomede Talavera 的聯名系列從後者還在大學進修時就開始了,而近日他們也帶來了全新2014 春夏特別聯名系列。這一系列以高端皮革材質為主料,運用幾何色塊營造視覺對比,而這些部分同時也是可拆卸的附件小袋,拉鍊既成為包袋主體和小袋間的連接,也與皮革搭配帶來奢華質感,而整PowerPivot workbooks often contain large amounts of data that result in files that exceed the maximum file size allowed for SharePoint uploads. When you try to upload a file that exceeds the upper limit, you will get the following error on SharePoint:...