
how do i reset the color of a hyperlink - MrExcel.com | Excel Resources | Excel Seminars | Excel Pro誰能告訴我~!? I have a series of hyperlinks in Excel. Default character of Excel is that when users click on them the color changes from Blue to Purple. I want to ... Re: how do i reset the color of a hyperlink Right just tried it and this appears to work. Code: Privat...


ㄚ晟的IT筆記: 快速清除Excel整篇文章中超連結的絕招前幾天與大家分享了『快速清除Word整篇文章中超連結的絕招』一文,獲得許多格友的認同與迴響。有位匿名的朋友問到:『請問EXCEL如何解呢?』,ㄚ晟馬上測試了一下,發現在Excel中似乎較為麻煩了一點點,不過還是能夠很輕易的作到相同的作用。...
