來自未來的無人駕駛車輛,奔馳 F 015 Luxury in Motion 概念車亮相 CES 20
Tax Geek Tuesday: Excluding Gain On Sale Of Home, And Recognizing Gain On Repossession如果無人駕駛正是未來汽車的發展方向,那麽如何獲知對方車輛是否有人操控,對於開車的人而言應該是非常重要的事情。而奔馳此次在 CES 2015 大展帶來的全新 F 015 Luxury in Motion 概念車,就用車燈顏色完成這個任務——前後車燈亮起白光代表有人駕駛、藍光則為They say in order to fully appreciate jazz music, you've got to listen to the notes that aren't being played. The same could be said of the tax law -- it's not enough to recognize what the Internal Revenue Code says, it's equally important to know what it...