exFAT vs FAT32 - Forums話說在這兩天,外媒報道了一個有點特別的案子,引起了人們的議論... 在現實生活中,我們開車的時候會看到路面上有各種裂縫水溝, 這些裂縫有可能是熱膨脹導致,也有可能是人為破壞,無論怎樣,低質量的道路,給路人和駕駛者都帶在很多潛在的危險,讓人提心弔膽.. &nbI was getting ready to format a external hard drive to FAT32 and the only option I have besides NTFS is exFAT. Any clue on what exFAT is and is it compatible with FAT32? I was reformatting it for that one awesome DVD player to watch movies on but it has...