How to convert an exFAT to FAT32 - Pendrive - Storage 相信各位都穿過校服,那麼在全世界範圍,現在大家都穿怎樣的校服,顏值如何?下面是部分的情況: 1.日本 由於動漫影響,日本女孩的校服風格世界聞名,基本是海洋風格的襯衫和一件褶皺的裙子組成。裙子的長短不時在改變,但總地來說,還是偏短 2.英國 學校着裝在英國非Hey There I was trying to convert my normal pendrive to a bootable pendrive through PowerISO . But it has turned to a 951GB exFAT Standard Disk Drive Please help me to convert my pendrive back to 8GB FAT32...