回歸低幫設計,NIKE 推出全新Nike Kobe 9 Elite Low HTM
exFAT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia高幫設計可謂Nike Kobe 9 Elite 的標誌之一,而近日NIKE 特別為其帶來一個低幫版Nike Kobe 9 Elite Low HTM,事實上這也是在設計上回歸了前幾代Nike Kobe 系列的鞋幫高度。同時,在經歷了Nike Kobe 9 EM 的工程網面設計之後,這款全新低幫鞋也回exFAT (Extended File Allocation Table) is a Microsoft file system optimized for flash drives.[3] It is proprietary and patented.[2] exFAT can be used where the NTFS file system is not a feasible solution (due to data structure overhead), or where the file...