Amazon.com: Exile: Exile - Greatest Hits: Music 近年來除了要娶越南女人的增加以外,中國國內也同樣發現越來越多的同胞學著美老男人一樣,希望能在泰國找個漂亮女友,過著神仙般的生活。 然而事與願違,中國男人在與泰國女人的戀愛過程中,也出現了很多問題。本文將綜合歐美男人多年來跟泰國女人約會的經驗,總結出十類必須遠離的泰國女人。  At first listen, I did not like Exile but after buying their Greatest Hits I was really taken in by their music-some of the most upbeat and very best of the 80's country music scene. I wish that performers in Country these days could posess the raw talent...