exmor rs

Sony Global - News Releases - Sony Develops "Exmor RS," the World's First*1 Stacked CMOS Image Senso   變得像冰淇淋一樣了~重點是...可以裝得比平常多XD  August 20, 2012, Tokyo, Japan - Sony Corporation (“Sony”) today announced the commercialization of “Exmor RS,” the world's first CMOS image sensor incorporating a unique, newly-developed ‘stacked structure.’ Shipments will commence in October. Sony is ......


Sony announces new Exmor RS cameraphone sensor: upgraded signal processing, HDR video recording一道看起來簡單的小學算術考試題,卻總是得不到正確答案。不信,你試試看!!!! 一人拿一張百元鈔票到商店買了25元的東西,店主由於手頭沒有零錢,便拿這張百元鈔票到隔壁的小攤販那裡換了100元零錢,並找回了那人75元錢。那人拿著25元的東西和75元零錢走了。過了一會兒,隔壁小攤販找到店主,說剛才店主拿來Sony Corporation (hereafter Sony) CMOS image sensor "Exmor RS" newly developed recruitment and ※ 1, the world's first structure "stacked" own commercialized (Exmore ares es), shipments sequentially from October I will start. We will expand the three model...


搭載Sony Exmor RS感光元件 BenQ F3手機體驗 - U-3C手機        哈哈哈,在路上開這個很屌耶~~~相機表現 BenQ F3相機最大的亮點是在硬體規格方面,BenQ特別強調採用了Sony之1,300萬畫素Exmor RS for mobile感光元件為主打,讓我們對F3的畫質表現自然有所期待。F3的照相介面採用Android公版呈現,功能上其實也與公版差不多,支援HDR、全景、99張連 ......


Exmor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 真的是如此啊!!!Exmor is the name of a technology Sony implemented on some of their CMOS image sensors. It performs on-chip analogue/digital signal conversion and two-step noise reduction in parallel on each column of the CMOS sensor. Exmor R is a back-illuminated versio...


Exmor R CMOS_百科 是有多怕手機沒電= =簡介索尼背照式CMOS的商標,即一代背照式,二代為Exmor RS CMOS。背照式CMOS的英文簡稱叫BSI。 Exmor R CMOS背面照明技術感光元件,改善了傳統CMOS感光元件的感光度。Exmor R CMOS採用了和普通方法相反、向沒有佈線層的一面照射光線的背面 ......
