IUPAC Gold Book - endo, exo, syn, anti當一個男人不愛一個女人的時候,往往能把這個女人弄得神魂顛倒,覺得他特MAN,特夠味兒,特浪漫,特霸道特酷特能掌控大局。女人喜歡甚至崇拜這樣的男人,因為她們覺得有一種小鳥依人的感覺。但事實上當男人真正投入愛情的時候就會變成男孩,當你認為那個男人特別耀眼的時候,對不起,他還沒愛上你。If the group is orientated towards the highest numbered bridge (z bridge, e.g. C-7 in example below) it is given the description exo; if it is orientated away from the highest numbered bridge it is given the description endo. If the group is attached to t...