Exo-Vaticana : Petrus Romanus, Project L.U.C.I.F.E.R. And the Vatican's Astonishing Plan for the Arr大陸找來的文章,十分爆笑,由於大陸的用語與台灣不同,看起來也覺得特別有趣,作者及網址:薩蘇一個朋友在武漢幫人家搞個野生動物園,說起艱辛來一言難盡,艱辛以外還出了 不少笑話。 先是狗熊扒車跑出去了,把一家肉食鋪子吃的一塌糊塗,抓回來,第二頭熊又爬車 頂上In Exo-Vaticana, internationally acclaimed authors Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam share their newest investigative research into what you can expect to unfold in the coming days, and, more importantly, what you can do to be prepared for the arrival of an ali...