exo m歌詞

EXO-M My Lady [繁中歌詞認聲版] - YouTube真的...重口味啊!!!!! EXO-M My Lady [繁中歌詞認聲版] 第一個既認聲!!有錯既同我講喎!! 歌詞: She's my baby 在純白 如雪 指尖 融化掉的chocolate You're walking into my door~ Oh yeah! She's my lady 在溢滿 光彩 唇邊 我是俘虜早已淪陷 I'm running into your heart~ oh yeah~ 讓我 多看你 一眼 (don't lie ......


Exo-M - Mama lyrics | LyricsMode.com - LyricsMode - Lyrics, explanations and meanings for more than 如果我是女生應該會揍死他.... 36 explanations, 1 meaning to Mama lyrics by Exo-M: [All] / Careless, careless / Shoot anonymous, anonymous / Heartless, mindless / No one, ... Now, I'm not sure who this song is directed towards since it's not explicity revealed within the lyrics, but I ...


MAMA 歌詞 EXO-M ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網他到底是....怎麼小便的??? EXO-M MAMA Careless, careless. Shoot anonymous, anonymous. Heartless, mindless. No one. who care about me? 失落的感覺 誰在乎只有忍耐 我再也無法接受 閉上了雙眼 MAMA 可不可以請告訴我 為什麼人會變的不一樣 那些聽說過的美麗日子是真的存在過嗎...
