【STAYREAL X FTISLAND】迪士尼混搭最in運動風,「FTISLAND」示範穿搭再掀超
Exoskeleton | Define Exoskeleton at Dictionary.comSTAYREAL年度代言人「FTISLAND」發表第二波迪士尼聯名系列 迪士尼混搭最in運動風,「FTISLAND」示範穿搭再掀超夯韓流潮 STAYREAL 繼七月宣布由韓流代表樂團 FTISLAND 擔任品牌代言,為潮流界投下震憾彈後,第二波迪士尼聯名系列也緊跟出擊,同樣以米奇為靈魂人物,融入今夏exoskeleton ex·o·skel·e·ton (ěk'sō-skěl'ĭ-tn) n. All hard parts, such as hair, teeth, and nails, that develop from the ectoderm or mesoderm in vertebrates. A hard outer structure, such as the shell of an insect, that provides protection or support for an ...