Exploit (computer security) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia各年齡段男吻女趣聞記錄 每個不同年齡段的男人吻女人,所代表的含義都是有所差別的,這裡有些有意思的記錄。 5歲的男孩親了同歲的女孩一下,女孩天真地說:你好像耍流氓哦!你可要負責哦,將來一定要娶我哦!男孩被女孩逼著拉鉤發誓才算完。 10歲的男孩親了同學一下,女孩臉紅地說:你耍流An exploit (from the English verb to exploit, meaning "using something to one’s own advantage") is a piece of software, a chunk of data, or a sequence of commands that takes advantage of a bug, glitch or vulnerability in order to cause unintended or unant...