你無法超越的貓奴⋯英國女玩3P 決定和「兩貓」結婚
Amazon.com: Eyefi Mobi 8GB SDHC Class 10 Wi-Fi Memory Card with 90-day Eyefi Cloud Service, Frustrat 感情受創的傷心程度每個人不同,但能確定的是沒有人能完全體會他人的痛苦,畢竟不是當事者,怎麼能徹底了解別人的狀況呢? 一位英國女子的情況更是難以理解,因為她在和交往7年的男友分手後,竟然對兩隻貓咪產生另類感情,甚至想與牠們許下婚約… 巴蕾拉在動物收留所發現這對貓咪 LugInstant Photo Transfer View larger Instant Photo Transfer with the #1 Selling WiFi SD Card* Use the Eyefi Mobi WiFi SD card and apps, to send your pictures from your camera to your favorite iOS (Apple), Android or Kindle device as you take them. With Eyef...