eye of the storm

eye - definition of eye by The Free Dictionary沒錢有人愛可能嗎?視金錢如糞土的清高之士,他們能不食人間煙火,採天地之靈氣,吸日月之精華?雖說女孩子愛上一個男孩子的先決條件不見得是金錢,但是男孩子要追到心儀的女孩子難免要花錢,而且是花上不少的錢,如今國小生都喊著做比爾.蓋茨,可見金錢的魅力,女孩鬼精似的,看看追她們要多少錢?嚇你一跳!PS:以下費http://www.thefreedictionary.com/eye...


A Class Divided | FRONTLINE | PBS - PBS: Public Broadcasting Service 【JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此】 看完了前陣子各大品牌在四大時裝周紐約、倫敦、米蘭、和巴黎所所發表的最新作品之後,時尚迷們應該也隱約可以嗅到今年春夏最火熱的鞋款將會是舒適好穿的運動鞋 Sneaker 了吧! 從 Chanel 開始狂吹的運動風潮持續蔓延,不僅許多時尚品牌相繼推出自家運動鞋Almost 20 years ago, the day after Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed, a teacher in a small town in Iowa tried a daring classroom experiment. She decided to treat children with blue eyes as superior to children with brown eyes. Frontline explores what tho...


Miami Finds Itself Ankle-Deep in Climate Change Debate - The New York Times 【 JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此 】 對於像我這類對於高鞋跟已經疲乏的女生來說,平底鞋無疑是我們的救星以及穿搭上的親密伴侶啊。而值得高興的是,正好這幾年的時尚圈,特別是女裝流行方面也都紛紛刮起了一股中性的運動風,讓運動鞋連續幾季成為大勢的流行要素之一。 嗯,或許該這麼說,雖然球A new study has added to a roiling debate by naming the Miami area as among the most vulnerable to severe damage from rising sea levels. ... “Sea level rise is our reality in Miami Beach,” said the city’s mayor, Philip Levine. “We are past the point of de...


American doctor cured of Ebola finds the virus in eye - CNN.com 【 JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此 】 Happy birthday to you,Mr. Ford! 時尚又迷人的大帥哥設計師兼導演 Tom Ford 在 8 月 27 日度過 53 歲生日啦!(他真的好帥~~~) 第一次知道 Tom Ford 是因為他自創品牌的眼鏡,不管是優(CNN)American doctor Ian Crozier was treated for Ebola in Atlanta last year and declared free of the virus in his blood. But he had no way of knowing it still lurked in his eye. At the time, his eyes were the least of his worries. "There were lots of thin...


FIFA - Official Site   不知道最近是不是太多濃妝超齡小學生嚇到日本網友的心,最近有一名號稱是天使系的日本小學五年級女生的照片被網友們挖出來討論,大家都說這個女孩擁有未來能夠成為氣質系美女的潛能! 這位具有文藝氣息的小五女生名字叫做原菜乃華(はら なのか),6歲那年就在舞台表演上出道,目前是隸屬於研FIFA’s mission is develop football everywhere and for all, to touch the world through its inspiring tournaments and to build a better future through the power of the game. Explore FIFA is a series of short animated films that bring you providing you into ...


The Secret in Their Eyes (2009) - IMDb 日本是漫畫大國,有很大一部分的人都是看著漫畫長大的對於喜歡動漫作品的人來說想必或多或少都有受到一些影響,甚至有可能改變了自己的命運日本電子書籍銷售網站eBookJapan就以會員為對象進行了「改變自己命運的漫畫」的調查,結果顯示的全是非常有名的神作阿到底是哪一部可以得到第一名呢? TOP 10 北Directed by Juan José Campanella. With Soledad Villamil, Ricardo Darín, Carla Quevedo, Pablo Rago. A retired legal counselor writes a novel hoping to find closure for one of his past unresolved homicide cases and for his unreciprocated love with his super...
