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Facebook | Technology | The Guardian - Latest US news, world news, sports and opinion from the Guard有網友請高手幫忙修圖:「可以幫我把我女友的胸部修改豐滿點嗎??因為她實在是太瘦了」,文章中並放了一名女子與小白狗合照的照片,要大家幫幫忙。結果卻有人意外賜給了小白狗一對木瓜奶,讓牠爆紅在網路上被廣泛流傳。 ▲原圖 ▲竟然把小白的胸變成了木瓜奶 網友修圖的功力是相當強大的,所以,請不要隨意在網路上發佈Communications watchdog says US companies could face sanctions over alleged ‘illegal activities’ under controversial bloggers law...


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Narcotics Anonymous - Official Site 擁有這樣的創意,真是令人佩服呀!!All of the efforts of Narcotics Anonymous are inspired by the primary purpose of our groups. Upon this common ground we stand committed. Every addict in the world has the chance to experience our message in his or her own language and culture and find the...


61226.com | Facebook繼上篇看過了p大神的功力,下篇要繼續跟大家分享,還有哪些惡搞創意呢?  ▼求大神給我換個更厲害的意境   ▼我拿這張照片去求職,求大神把我P成官二代 ▼求大神把我對像P的更唯美點 ▼求大神P的更霸氣些 61226.com. 104 likes. Are you like Hong Kong ? ... 鐵塔下撐雨傘 花都警無任歡迎 雨傘運動轟動全球,十一當天,相隔萬里的巴黎鐵塔下,聚集一班素未謀面群眾,其中有香港人、內地人與法國人,他們默默舉起「Support Hong Kong」、「要真普選」等紙牌 ......


Why teens are tiring of Facebook - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech n網友c男:一起合租的美眉喝醉把自己鎖門外忘帶鑰匙了   要出去幫忙嗎? (其實我內心已經暗戀她很久了...) 可惡,真的好想打暈拖走啊~~~XDD 如果你是c先生,你要怎麼幫他呢?!(請誠實留言回答)xddFacebook has become a social network that's often too complicated, too risky, and, above all, too overrun by parents to give teens the type of digital freedom they crave....
