Go the F**k to Sleep: Adam Mansbach, Samuel L. Jackson: 9781455841653: Amazon.com: Books初樂直播首次與三創生活園區攜手合作,舉辦「三創女神PK」票選活動,從眾多直播主中選拔出八位主播來進行人氣PK,並從5月31日起至6月16日每周五、六、日晚上6點到7點,這八位主播走出直播間,讓粉絲透過直播畫面掌握到最新的生活潮流資訊。 八位女神分別為風格女神 海倫,利用智慧家電來為大家做料理示範。 "* 'Total genius.' - Jonathan Lethem, father of two, author of MOTHERLESS BROOKLYN * 'A children's book for grown-ups! I really did laugh out loud-hilarious!' - David Byrne, father of one, musician, artist * 'This is the most honest children's book ever w...