f lux ios 7

f.lux - Official Site哇~我的媽呀......現在改正發音不知道來不來的及?臭拎獃還是有好處的~    小時侯 把English 讀為 "應給利息 "的同學當了行長;   讀為" 陰溝裡洗" 的成了小菜販子;  讀為 "因果聯繫 "的成了哲學家;  讀Is your computer keeping you up late? f.lux is free software that warms up your computer display at night, to match your indoor lighting. ... Ever notice how people texting at night have that eerie blue glow? Or wake up ready to write down the Next Great ...


f.lux for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - f.lux: software to make your life better如果是你改考卷,造句第二題要扣分嗎? Is your computer keeping you up late? f.lux is free software that warms up your computer display at night, to match your indoor lighting. ... via the f.lux FAQ: Why isn't f.lux available in the Apple App Store? We would love to make f.lux available for al...


f.lux - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaDeveloper(s) Flux Software LLC Initial release February 2009; 7 years ago (2009-02) Stable release Windows: v3.10 OS X: build 36.6 [1] Linux: n/a iOS: 0.9986 [2] Development status Active Operating system Microsoft Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS Available in E...


F.lux Is Available for iOS, No Jailbreak Required請大家解惑!頭怎麼開燈? To install f.lux, you’ll need to sideload it on iOS. While this sounds scary, all you’ll need is a free copy of Xcode 7, a free Apple developer account, and a Mac (at least temporarily, the app will automatically update on its own once it’s installed). Es...


F.lux 根據時間自動調整螢幕亮度和色彩,降低藍光對眼睛造成的傷害十大謊言 .....  相信否 ??現代人因為長時間接觸電腦、智慧型手機或平板電腦,這幾年開始流行起抗藍光眼鏡,號稱可以濾掉光線中能量較高的藍光,減少長期暴露於藍光下對眼睛造成的傷害。其實較好的作法是改善使用者的使用習慣,例如不在光線昏暗的環境使用帶有高亮度 ......
