F10 M5 Discussion - BMW M5 Forum and M6 Forums 吉尼斯世界紀錄,總讓人覺得,很高大上。不過有些項目,並沒什麼人想要去超越啦! 耳朵毛最長的人 印度的Radhakant Baijpai,世界上耳朵毛最長的人,從18歲開始就不斷長毛,沒有剪過,現在有約50公分長 聞腳丫和腋下最多的人 美國的MadelineF10 M5 Discussion - 2010- Discussion about the next upcoming generation M5 based on the next generation 5-series, the F10. ... Only Sponsors are allowed to post there offerings or one-time member offerings (That is one single and first group buy for a non...