What is BIGIP F5 (LTM and GTM)? | thejimmahknows (source:微信頭條號(公眾號:卡娃微卡)) 「如果青春只剩一張絕版海報」 「定要把你貼在額前」 每一個年代,大家都有屬於自己的偶像。老一代的小虎隊、beyond,風靡一時的F4,之後的飛輪海、183club,總有一個是你的回憶。 卡娃年少時,印象最深的Hi Wallace, The GTM module is practically built from BIND. BIND is an opensource DNS service application. The reason I state this is the configuration file on the GTM is strictly similar to that of a standard BIND server. How they work together…Are you as...