face it

About-Face 時間過最快的是什麼時候?就是和你同性的朋友聚在一起瞎聊的時候。一群男人或一群女人聚在一起,不管聊什麼,一定會有一個話題一致,那就是異性。一群男人聚在一起很簡單的,不是聊運動就是聊女人;女人聚在一起聊的話題就比男人豐富多了,天南地北什麼都能聊。不過聊到異性,男女有個不同處,聊膚淺的話題就算跟剛認識的About-Face means a reversal of direction, attitude, or point of view. We equip women & girls with tools to understand & resist harmful media messages that affect their ... You DON'T have to put up with media that makes you feel badly. Find ways to make ch...


Friend or Foe? Crows Never Forget a Face, It Seems - NYTimes.com「夢想就像小三,不是擱在一旁就沒事,你若一直不理它,它自己就會找上你。」---中年是第二個青春期◎沈政男記得一則電視廣告否?機場海關人員詢問一位頭髮花白、拖著行李的阿嬤要去哪裡?她靦腆地回答說要出國留學。每個人都有夢想,有夢想一定要去實現,不要因為朝九晚五、柴米油鹽,把夢想擱在腦海的貯藏室裡,以為不Crows and their relatives — among them ravens, magpies and jays — are renowned for their intelligence and for their ability to flourish in human-dominated landscapes. That ability may have to do with cross-species social skills. In the Seattle area, where...


PicHacks - Funny Symmetrical Face Maker 中年是第二個青春期(聯合新聞網採用)◎沈政男 記得一則電視廣告否?機場海關人員詢問一位頭髮花白、拖著行李的阿嬤要去哪裡?她靦腆地回答說要出國留學。 每個人都有夢想,有夢想一定要去實現,不要因為朝九晚五、柴米油鹽,把夢想擱在腦海的貯藏室裡,以為不理它就沒事了,可以一天過一天,就這麼過了一生。 不會的How symmetrical is your face? Simply upload any digital image and pichacks splits the photo in two and joins the halves for a hilarious creation. Get creative, it's fun....


Hammer Smashed Face Live-Cannibal Corpse(lyrics) - YouTube一個男人的告白:「男人不相信一見鍾情。但是,男人在第一眼就會知道要不要跟眼前的人在一起。」 等待,是一種愛情。 以前的妳曾經這樣認為過,覺得只要專心一意,少說點苦、多說點甜,就會收穫愛情。所以妳花了很長時間去等待一個人,他上一段感情的陰影還在、他很愛她,所以需要一點時間整理自己,妳覺得自己是個成熟的Hammer Smashed Face-Cannibal Corpse(lyrics) There's something inside me It's, it's coming out I feel like killing you Let loose the anger, held back too long My blood runs cold Through my anatomy, dwells another being Rooted in my cortex, a servant to its...


Sleeveface - people holding vinyl record sleeves and covers in front of their faces一個男人的告白:「戀愛才不重要,所以幹嘛要如此慎重其事的說『不要』。」 後來,妳說,妳再也不要戀愛了。 那種在上班時盯著電腦螢幕卻會突然失神,等到回過神來才發現自己雙頰溼潤;那種走路在街上會失去記憶,等到清醒時才發現自己正站在妳們約會常去的餐廳門口;還有在夜晚翻來覆去,想哭卻流不出眼淚的經歷,妳已經one or more persons obscuring or augmenting any part of their body or bodies with record sleeve(s) causing an illusion ... Full Bleed down at @SpillersRecords, Caerdydd January 18th, 2015 Carl Morris Spiller Records in Cardiff, Wales is the oldest record ...


Face of Soccer in Canada, on Field and on Stamps - The New York Times 一個男人的告白:「那是什麼?女人總喜歡賣弄文字遊戲,妳確定知道自己在說什麼?」妳曾經遇過一個妳很喜歡、對方也同樣喜歡妳,但卻沒辦法在一起的人。朋友告訴妳,這是:「在錯的時間遇見對的人。」妳把這句話告訴對方,看著他喪著氣轉身離開的背影,妳卻發現自己哭了。 然後在很久之後,妳忘了多久之後,有其他男人也Christine Sinclair entered Canada’s opening match Saturday night with 153 career goals, third on the international list behind Abby Wambach (182) and Mia Hamm (158). ... Now there are more than 350,000 registered female players in Canada, a number that ha...
