ROXY 25週年經典聯名鉅獻 攜手美國傳奇毛織品品牌PENDLETON 推出「ROXY X PEN
face是什麼意思_face的翻譯_音標_讀音_用法_例句_愛詞霸在線詞典 ROXY25週年首推「ROXY X PENDLETON」經典聯名系列商品,今年春天ROXY將延續衝浪者擁抱大海的精神,特地與美國知名毛呢品牌PENDLETON推出「ROXY X PENDLETON」系列商品,兩個深耕於海洋的品牌將把經典的海灘元素融入時尚,展現出女孩出最自然又充滿迷人韻味的風采,本臉;面孔 Your face is the front part of your head from your chin to the top of your forehead, where your mouth, eyes, nose, and other features are. ... He rolled down his window and stuck his face out... 他搖下車窗,把頭探了出去。 A strong wind was blowing right in ......