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Contact Us – Amanpour - CNN.com Blogs 夏天到了也意味著折扣季的到來,又是喜愛流行的男女血拼廝殺的季節~在現代社會中,作為一個「小資平民」,在購買衣服時也要特別精打細算,但大家還記得前先日子英國品牌  Primark鬧出求救標籤的新聞嗎?現在居然爆發第二起事件,又有消費者站出來表示自己的衣物內也有怪異標籤! 第二個透漏給世人的You can use a variety of methods to contact us with your feedback: Email us directly: amanpour@cnn.com Become a fan of our program on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Or submit a comment on CNN International's Feedback Form......


Five things you didn’t know about Moses – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs幾個小時前,CÉLINE在798的751D·PARK舉行了2014/15秋冬時裝秀,將3月份在巴黎時裝週上發布的秋冬新品帶至中國消費者眼前。作為CÉLINE 在中國的首秀,品牌創意總監Phoebe Philo 與CEO Marco Gobbetti 先生誠意十足地現身秀場,包括王菲在內的一眾女星亦出(CNN) - Moses: the main character of the Torah, the paradigmatic law-giver and the star of multiple motion pictures. As Passover rolls around again and Jews the world over retell the story of Moses’s big moment, it’s worth remembering that there are aspec...


CNN caught using Microsoft Surface as iPad kickstand | Cult of Mac如何讓自行車更酷的放在家裡?加拿大設計團隊Hurdler Studios 為車迷們設計了CLUG。它形似一個小夾子,在安裝上牆後可以穩固地“抱住”車輪,讓自行車能夠更好的靠牆存放,避免掉不小心碰倒等情況。而當有多輛自行車需要存放時,CLUG 也能更好地幫助使用者節省空間。 ▲CLUG 由兩部分組成,Microsoft proudly announced last month that it would be paying CNN to use its Surface tablets for the historic Mid-Term 2014 coverage, but when it came time to actually use Microsoft’s tablet last night, CNN political commentators discovered an incredible...


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