Infiniti QX Concept概念車 巴黎車展亮相
BBC News - Facebook develops 'sympathise' button Nissan 旗下豪華品牌Infinti在巴黎車展展出全新概念車款QX Concept,向外界預告品牌下一代SUV的外型走向,預計首先運用此概念的將是全新QX 50車款。消息指出,之後Infinti的休旅車款將會以QX Concept進行設計。 QX Concept車款擁有運動化跨界休旅外型,車身Facebook has devised a "sympathise" button as an alternative to the "like" button for use in certain situations. If a user selected a negative emotion from Facebook's list of feelings in a status update then the "like" button would change to "sympathise"....