HARPS | Full text | The application of systems thinking in health: why use systems thinking? 2013-09 親子天下雜誌49期:採訪整理∣李宜蓁;錄音整理∣余佩雯 當我剛從國外受訓回來,深深贊同「人結婚後應該要跟原生家庭脫離」的說法。不過在台灣跟很多夫妻工作後發現,我們的文化應該要對這個想法有一些不同的理解和運用。 假設今天是先生的原生家庭有點問題,他覺得自己不受In the rapidly changing field of global health, it is hard to know whether the recent attention to systems thinking is just another fad, or something more durable that offers usable insights for understanding and action. Some see systems thinking as ......