
Fad | Define Fad at Dictionary.com騎摩特車可以做的事真多!   也可以讓小孩平躺睡在摩特車上,爸爸不用買車也能讓你躺著睡!     可以載5個人外加一隻狗,手上還偷渡一隻幼犬呢!   還能餵奶,騎車什麼的一點都不影響我餵小孩 載一大堆菜也沒問題 還可以外加一個大姐 五貼又出現 超長獎盃跟著走 fad / fæd / Show Spelled [fad] Show IPA noun a temporary fashion, notion, manner of conduct, etc., especially one followed enthusiastically by a group. Origin: 1825–35; noun use of dial. fad to look after things, busy oneself with trifles, back formation ...


FAD - definition of FAD by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia. 這樣的存錢筒,你敢用嗎... On the contrary, he's as poor as a rat for his position, and apparently without the least ambition to be anything else; certainly he won't enrich himself by making a public fad of what all sensible people are agreed upon as it is....


FAD assault rifle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia下面這些奇怪的料理絕對讓所有人打開眼界,這些東西讓人看都不敢看一眼,更不說吃了,讓所有人見識見識這個從世界各地收集而來的奇怪料理吧         烤蟑螂、烤蟬、烤水蛇  地點:柬埔寨黑暗指數:★★★★ 暹粒市隨處可見的路邊攤都有在賣,是當The Dual Automatic Rifle (Spanish: Fusil Automático Doble) was designed by Salomón Braga Lozo of SIMA Electronica, a division of the Peruvian state-owned SIMA (Spanish: Servicio Industrial de la Marina) shipyards, based in the port of Callao.[1] It is an ...


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