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What Is a Fade Shot in Golf? 【童國輔/報導】小排量缸內直噴渦輪增壓引擎技術已經有多家歐美車廠熱炒翻天地不稀奇,但若聽見Toyota也來摻一腳,恐怕很難不瞠目驚呼--好讚。在缸內直噴渦輪增壓技術日益成熟下,小排氣量引擎透過渦輪增壓技術,來同時獲得越級動力與節能效益,似乎已成了眾多車廠未來發展引擎的方向,這點從日本汽車大廠ToyA definition of the golf term ... Definition: "Fade" describes a trajectory or ball flight in which the golf ball comes off the clubface moving to the left of the target before curving gently back to the right (for a right-handed golfer; reverse direction...