Designs by Lady Faire (本圖轉貼自今日頭條,下同) 歌神陳奕迅一直想太太徐濠縈為他湊夠「好」字,這一次徐濠縈再次懷孕了! 陳奕迅一路緊隨愛妻,為徐濠縈開車門,猶如貼身侍衛。 陳奕迅為愛妻開車門,平日煙不離手的他更為新生命來臨戒菸,努力做個健康爸爸! 分分合合,是是非非,20年,相愛相知的人還是走到了一起兩人相識的那一年Guestbook If you should find a broken link, please email me and let me know. I sometimes miss things as I'm working on the site. Thank you! Contact us: Email Phone: 434.806.5188 or snail mail: Designs by Lady Faire, LLC; P. O. Box 565; Earlysville, VA ......