Fan-in, Fan-out, WLP, Wafer Level Packaging, semiconductor, system-in-package, SiP, 2.5/3D IC , Yole source:twitter下同 前陣子才PO了篇正妹文裡面就有這件殺死處男的《露背高領毛衣》而已, 馬上就發現了美少女のらねこ的性感寫真就是穿著這件話性的服裝! 其實是因為這件毛衣已經好陣子了,是最近在日本爆紅起來所以引發大量話題 而のらねこ本身就有製作ROM寫真販售,所以這種特別的服裝當然不會OUTLINES: A new semiconductor era is on the horizon. What is the position of fan-in wafer level packages? The continuously growing fan-in WLP market is attracting new applications. Market dynamics: getting ready for the future... Fan-in WLP: still on trac...