全新SUBARU Levorg 2.0 標配「EyeSight智能駕駛安全輔助系統」 最大馬力X超大
Universal Ceiling Fan Remote Control Kit - - Amazon.comSUBARU台灣意美汽車深耕台灣汽車市場10年多來,透過對市場趨勢的掌握與銷售表現屢創新高的實力,在獲得日本原廠全力奧援下於今日(7月4日)宣布:最新動力編成的性能勁旅All-New Levorg 2.0 GT-S EyeSight以新台幣139.8萬元整的震撼價正式上市!All-New LevorThis is a BRAND NEW FCC and UL approved ceiling fan remote control and receiver. This is a Universal Hampton Bay Remote and Receiver. Made by Hampton Bay but will work on almost all fans. It will control both the light and fan functions (High/Medium/Low f...