far field radiation

Radiation Therapy - a dying field? - Radiation Therapist Jobs | Indeed.com   雙(子)塔奇謀嗎?            Radiation Therapy - a dying field?. Radiation Therapist jobs forums. ... I am on a similar career path. I hold a Masters degree , am certified as a radiation therapist and finished an accredited Dosimetry training program....


RF Radiation and Electromagnetic Field Safety     當你開始模仿別人的時候 你就等於說輸了!! (不過對方還是被你氣的牙癢癢的XD)        Although Amateur Radio is basically a safe activity, in recent years there has been considerable discussion and concern about the possible hazards of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), including both RF energy and power frequency (50-60 Hz) electromagnetic ...


Antenna-Theory.com - Field Regions 這根本是被人陷害XDField regions for the radiation pattern of antennas are discussed The far field and near field in particular, are defined in terms of distance from an antenna. ... The fields surrounding an antenna are divided into 3 principle regions: Reactive Near Field...


far-flung - definition of far-flung by The Free Dictionary 真的不是我用的 我只是剛好在破洞裡面.. 又剛好被你發現.. 真的不是我喔!!  far-flung (fär′flŭng′) adj. 1. Remote; distant. 2. Widely distributed; wide-ranging. far-flung adj 1. widely distributed 2. far distant; remote far′-flung′ adj. 1. extending over a great distance. 2. widely disbursed or distributed. [1890–95] Thesaurus An...


far-fetched - definition of far-fetched by The Free Dictionary   少騙人了!!!把我的獅子秀還來~~far-fetched (fär′fĕcht′) adj. Not readily believable because of improbable elements therein: a far-fetched analogy; a far-fetched excuse. far-fetched adj 1. improbable in nature; unlikely far′-fetched′ or far′fetched′, adj. improbable; not naturally perti...
