Fart Sound Effects - Wav Mp3 Download現在這什麼都在賣的超商裡倒也什麼樣的客人都有… 話說小弟我在超商工作好幾年去年夏天 某個炎熱的周五… 一位中年婦人進了我們店大聲嚷嚷著:「你們有沒有賣果菜汁的罐頭呀?」 「果菜汁的罐頭?你是要鐵鋁罐的果菜汁嗎?」我回答 「Free fart sound effects in wav and mp3 formats ... You are allowed to use the sounds on our website free of charge and royalty free in your projects but you are NOT allowed to post the sounds on any web site for others to download, link ......