The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune夏天到,西安街上的女娃越穿越少,咱男士們可是飽了不少眼福,沒事蹲在小寨看妹子,都快成了西安爺們夏天的必備消遣項目了! 行了行了,鼻血擦擦啊! 畢竟這都是別人家的女朋友! 而且,你可知道作為一個別人家的女朋友想穿成這樣出門也是不容易的... 要是碰上個和網友“追風箏的菇涼”老公Dave Voth, Fast and Furious supervisor for the ATF FORTUNE — In the annals of impossible assignments, Dave Voth’s ranked high. In 2009 the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives promoted Voth to lead Phoenix Group VII, one of seven .....