Amazon.com: KMASHI 15000mAh MP836 (2Amp+1Amp Output) Dual USB Fast Charger Ultra-High Density Extern 話說, 大家有沒有想過這麼一個問題, 龍蝦這玩意兒,在海底怎麼行動? 爬行or游泳???... 這問題聽起來有些無聊, 但在歷史上,有兩個國家為了這事兒還較起了真兒,最後還差點因此打了一大仗… 這兩個為爭論「 龍蝦在海里是爬還是游」的問題大打出手的國家,是1. Rapid Charging - Charges itself rapidly - Charges your device(s) rapidly 2. Suitable for a Wide Range of Occasions Large capacity of 15000mAh, making it great for a wide range of applications, e.g. parties, BBQs, outdoor activities like camping, mounta...