Fast food - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲回不去啦!(source: 帶你游遍美國,以下同) 話說,這兩年VR虛擬現實技術炒得火熱,大家估計也開始慢慢了解到這種技術了。 所謂VR,其實是利用電腦模擬產生一個三維空間的虛擬世界,提供用戶關於視覺等感官的模擬,讓用戶感覺仿佛身歷其境... 隨着這種技Fast food is the term given to food that is prepared and served very quickly, first popularized in the 1950s in the United States. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered fast food, typically the term refers to food sold in a restaurant...