fast search

fast - definition of fast by The Free Dictionary10.裡蓮華     使用者:李洛克難易等級:A 華麗等級:★★★★ 實用等級:★★★☆ 威力等級:★★★☆   洛克李的八門遁甲開啟三門後使用的高級體術,是一種對手碰到碰不到的高速連續強力攻擊,甚至可以踩著空氣在天上飛來飛去,最後一擊將對手頭部朝地面打去,與地面相撞產fast 1 (făst) adj. fast·er, fast·est 1. Acting, moving, or capable of acting or moving quickly; swift. 2. a. Accomplished in relatively little time: a fast visit. b. Acquired quickly with little effort and sometimes unscrupulously: made a fast buck scalpi...


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