faststone screen capture free

The Portable Freeware Collection - FastStone Capture真的差很大!!!! FastStone Capture is a powerful, flexible and intuitive screen-capture utility. It allows you to capture anything on the screen including windows, objects, full screen, rectangle regions, freehand-selected regions and scrolling windows/web pages. It has i...


超好用截圖軟體《FastStone Capture》截圖順便加上邊框和浮水印 | 就是教不落真的耶.... 原本站長都很簡單的使用鍵盤上的快速截圖鍵加上小畫家來編輯圖檔,但久了之後實在也是有點累人,決定還是找一款截圖來用,這款FastStone Capture不只是截圖軟體還能自動為你的圖片附加邊框、浮水印自動檔名等等,還有基本的編輯器可用,檔案輕巧好 ......


FastStone Capture - Free download and software reviews - CNET Download.com真的越來越多了啊...恨不得通通刪掉!!! FastStone Capture addresses the shortcomings common to screen-capture programs, and it packages the features and options you need in an easy-to-use interface that simplifies the most cumbersome tasks, including selecting just the parts you want to save .....
