FCA publishes terms of reference for its investment and corporate banking market study - Financial C每天下班回家後一個人在家尻尻你總覺得空虛極了,所以你開始關注一些網美的直播,試圖在聊天室裡和螢幕裡頭的美女有著微小的互動... 為了從眾多洗版中脫穎而出,你不惜刷卡捐錢表示支持,當你的帳號名字從螢幕中跳出來時你興奮極了!就算螢幕裡頭的她只是淡淡的把你的帳號唸一遍然後說了聲超沒誠意的謝謝就忽略了你,你The FCA has set out the issues it will focus on as part of its market study into competition in investment and corporate banking. ... News Read the latest news from the FCA about how we protect consumers, ensure our industry remains stable and promote hea...