Feedback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 話說, 之前我們已經看過不少,顏值逆生長的網紅阿姨啊,網紅爺爺奶奶啊之類的大神… 比如說,之前介紹過的台灣童顏女神許路兒, 實際年齡40多了,看起來還是20齣頭的樣子… 再比如說,意大利的Gianluca Vacchi, 快60的人了,身材還保養的令人艷羨In this context, the term "feedback" has also been used as an abbreviation for: Feedback signal – the conveyance of information fed back from an output, or measurement, to an input, or effector, that affects the system. Feedback loop – the closed path mad...