影片曝光 這隻生物不甘入五臟廟,竟然揮刀殺出 廚房的刀真的都要收好啊
Celebrity Gossip, Lifestyle, Fashion & Beauty News From Female First 圖片截自網路影片 最近巴西社群網站瘋狂流傳一段影片,一隻螃蟹疑似不願被吃,竟然奪刀逃竄,主人覺得有趣,便拍下這段影片上傳。只是不知道這隻螃蟹最後是否逃出生天? 新聞整理報導 Keep up-to-date with the very latest celebrity news and gossip as well as the best in lifestyle, entertainment and fashion news from Female First. ... Rolf Harris has been stripped of his CBE after being jailed back in July. Harris was found guilty for tw...