徐嬌上傳濕身美照 網友揪:點點好像穿幫了!
Feng Shen Ji Wiki - Wikia 昔日在長江七號裡頭扮演醜小鴨的徐嬌,女大十八變,時常在微博分享美照,16日上午她上傳兩張濕身美照,出水芙蓉般讓人看呆,也有網友一度以為她的薄紗讓她春光外洩,但仔細一看又似乎沒有。 Feng Shen Ji Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge! ... HanFeng LinLin was one of the Great Generals of the Dark Ones. He is the current Intelligence Officer of the newly formed Dark Ones' city ......