few a few

For a Few Dollars More (1965) - IMDb韓國《亞洲經濟》報導,韓國業餘輔導市場近年來持續大熱,商家各出奇招以吸引生源。近日,一個以美女教師為噱頭的在線英語輔導網站引起韓國網友的關注。這家網站名為“英語女神”,教學以專業英語會話培訓為主。據了解,該網站運營第一天曾因訪問量過大而一度癱瘓。韓國網站“英語女神Directed by Sergio Leone. With Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, Gian Maria Volonté, Mario Brega. Monco is a bounty killer chasing El Indio and his gang. During his hunting, he meets Col. Douglas Mortimer, another bounty killer, and they decide to make a par...


Martha Long - Official Site  這是一張「未來通行證」,16 年後,女孩回到東京迪士尼會發生什麼事呢? 1998 年,小女孩到了東京迪士尼。她排入長長的隊伍,只為能搭上熱門雲霄飛車遊戲 THUNDER MOUNTAIN,但因為身高不滿 102 公分,按照規定是不能搭乘雲霄飛車的。小女孩很難過,花了這麼長時間等待的遊戲Bestselling author of 'Ma, He Sold Me for a Few Cigarettes' and 'Ma, I'm Gettin Meself A New Mammy' (by administrator) ... Thanks so much for all your help. The results were overwhelmingly in favour of an outdoor poster campaign in shopping centres throug...


Underweight child? Here’s how to put on a few healthy pounds - On Parenting - The Washington Post   提示:亮點不在妹身上Parents might want to focus less on the scale and instead direct their energy toward providing their children with enough macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Empty calories, like those in ice cream,...


Memo to Staff: Time to Lose a Few Pounds - WSJ   太感人肺腑了! 太勵志了The boss thinks you could stand to lose a few. Seeking to make a dent in the intractable problem of obesity—a condition affecting roughly one-third of U.S. adults and costing companies more than $73 billion a year, according to researchers from Duke Unive...
