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FINAL FANTASY XI Official Web Site - PlayOnline.com 28歲的Candice 曾經是個纖細苗條、金發碧眼的美女, 愛好健身的她希望有一副肌肉發達、寬肩窄臀的健美身材, 不幸用藥過度(合成代謝類固醇),變成了十足的女…漢子 她不僅擁有了期望的肌肉, 還意外“收穫”了鬍子、茂盛的體毛、和類似男性才有的..東東 The Thirteenth Anniversary of FINAL FANTASY XI Is Upon Us! (16/05/2015) Today we celebrate the thirteenth anniversary of FINAL FANTASY XI's official launch! Product Akihiko Matsui would like to share with you a few words in thanks for your steadfast suppo...


FINAL FANTASY XI 有一天,一個砍柴的不小心把它的木頭掉進河裡了,然後河裡出現了女神,問他你掉的是金斧頭還是銀斧頭,砍柴的說兩個都不是,女神說他誠實便把三個斧頭都賜給他,事後砍柴的回到村里把這件事跟所有的村明說,第二天,村民們集體向河裡丟斧頭,最後女神死了The first step in your adventure is to create your character's traits, including race, gender, face, hair color, body size, job, and nationality. This will become your......


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