fidelio m1 head fi

Philips Fidelio L1 - - Headphone forums and reviews for audiophiles真的有人會好好看完嗎??     Here Goes My First Head-Fi Review! Just to let you know what your getting into, these don’t NEED an amp, but they do like em’. Don’t worry about amping because you don’t need it, it’ll be a little quiet though. They are semi-open. 26ohms Emphasize the bas...


【耳機速試】隔音力強的飛利浦 FIDELIO M1 Bluetooth - UNWIRE.HK   你知道嗎?XD    這陣子很多人愛帶耳筒,有些人受它的款式襯衫,有人愛它有迫力的低音,但有人覺得有線耳筒又太麻煩,究竟如何平衡兩方面的要求?飛利浦最近推出的 FIDELIO M1 Bluetooth 卻給了小編一個驚喜!以下有更多資料: 酒吧中實測...


行動影音 - PHILIPS Fidelio耳機大樓 - 影音討論區 - Mobile01 也太懶了吧!!!  PHILIPS Fidelio這個系列的耳機最近越來越多人注意不管是M1 L1 X1 S1 S2來... ... 請問一下 最近對S2也有興趣~可是有幾個問題想請教一下 由於原本S2的價位在6000左右 現在水貨約2500上下...


Philips Fidelio M1 MKII - The Telegraph - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Tele 這樣誰敢喝醉阿!!!          Read the Philips Fidelio M1 MKII headphones review by Telegraph Best. Key features, design and performance. ... Despite a fun appearance, the Philips Fidelio M1 MkII is able to deliver serious sound. Featuring upgraded internals, the Philips is better equ...


Philips Fidelio M1: Review - DigitalVersus - Reviews & News, TVs, LCD Monitors, Laptops...天好冷,小主人好溫暖,都睡到不想醒來了,喵嗚~~ Philips already caused a stir with its first nomadic headphone for audiophiles, the L1, highly praised by most of those lucky enough to try it. So needless to say, when the company announced an entire range with a hi-fi headphone (the X1) and an ultra-nom...


Head-Fi Buying Guide (Wireless Headphones) - CommunityM.J不幫你洗嗎? article, Head-Fi Buying Guide (Wireless Headphones) Wireless Headphones ... Written by Jude Mansilla Sony's MDR-1RBT, as far as Bluetooth headphones go, is as near to perfect as I've so far used. Why? Built with the same design as the Sony ......
